
Interessante Diskussion über Jiu-Jitsu Variationen

Matt Mann, ein Schwarzgurt im Royce Gracie Jiu-Jitsu, unterhielt sich im „The Everyday Perspective Podcast“ über die Unterschiede von Royce Gracie Jiu-Jitsu und Sport-BJJ:

Ab ca. Minute 21:00 spricht er insbesondere über Jiu-Jitsu, wie er es trainiert (im Royce Graice Jiu-Jitsu RG360 Curriculum). Hier einige Auszüge:

„We’ve got five elements: Striking, throws, ground techniques, stand up self-defense and then philosophy. You can tell from that already that my definition of Jiu-Jitsu, based on what I train, and yours is quite different. Because when you’re saying about Jiu-Jitsu and then striking arts – mine is.
(…) And that’s that’s a a good initial divider
(…) we do deal with strikes, we do train striking. We train to deal with different forms of strikes as well and we need to be proficient in it. So part of that will involve clinch work, so how to close distance using strikes, how to get your arms wrapped around somebody using the correct grips, and how to take them down or lift them in the air.
(…) We don’t train a lot of sport techniques, so you won’t see us inverting and stuff, you won’t see us doing berimbolos and that sort of thing. We won’t do a lot of techniques where our grips are occupied against a person that hasn’t got occupied hands, so we we’ll deal with covering and stuff during our training (…) It’s a very very different system (…)“

Hier im Gailtal haben wir zwar keine offizielle Zugehörigkeit zum Royce Gracie Jiu-Jitsu, dennoch möchten auch wir diese 5 Elemente des Jiu-Jitsu trainieren und berücksichtigen.

Von Markus

Gracie Jiu-Jitsu: Blue Belt
ELLO Luta Livre: Technik 36 Instructor
Sami-X Krav Maga: Level 2